Organisational Model and Supervisory Board



Italian Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced a system of administrative liability of bodies into the Italian legal system. It applies to certain types of offences committed by directors, managers or employees in the interests or for the benefit of said body.


We have therefore adopted our own Organisational Model, with the aim of constructing a structured, organised system of guiding principles, operating procedures and other specific safeguards inspired by the criteria of sound business management and aimed, among other things, at preventing the offences set out in the aforementioned Decree.

Code of Ethics

Disciplinary Code

Organisational Model 231 – General Part



In addition, we have entrusted a Supervisory Board composed of two members with the task of monitoring compliance with the provisions of the Organisational Model, verifying their actual effectiveness and assessing the need for any updates.


We intend to prosecute those who, while carrying out their duties, engage in conduct that is unlawful or contrary to the Code of Ethics.

Therefore, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/23 (protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law and containing provisions regarding the protection of persons reporting violations of national regulations), we have established appropriate channels to collect reports of conduct contrary to the law or company principles and to ensure the confidentiality of information and maximum protection of the whistleblower, as required by the legislation.

Whistleblowing Report

Whistleblowing Policy

Reporting channels:

Ordinary Mail addressed to Organismo Vigilanza di GTS Spa - Via Gabriele D’Annunzio 2/75 – 16121 Genoa

Whistleblowing Portal: