
GTS: The ATMO 2024 Report confirms a strong growth in environmental impact

gts progress 2024

GTS SpA continues to strengthen its leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of natural refrigerants. The newly released ATMO 2024 Report highlights even more significant results compared to 2023, demonstrating how the company is accelerating its commitment to environmental sustainability.

2023 vs. 2024: GTS’s increasing impact on emission mitigation

In 2023, GTS introduced equipment based on natural refrigerants, contributing to the mitigation of 3,400,000 metric tons of CO₂ equivalent (100-year GWP). This achievement was equivalent to removing 757 vehicles from circulation and covering the annual energy consumption of 434,000 households. However, when considering a 20-year GWP, the actual impact was even greater, with 7,000,000 metric tons of CO₂ equivalent mitigated, equivalent to the energy consumption of 904,000 households.

In 2024, these numbers have grown significantly:

  • The amount of mitigated CO₂ equivalent has more than doubled, reaching 4.2 billion metric tons (100-year GWP).
  • Using a 20-year GWP, the impact rises to 9.3 billion metric tons of CO₂ equivalent, marking a substantial increase over the previous year.
  • The equivalent energy savings correspond to the annual consumption of 1,250,000 households, highlighting a strong upward trend from 2023.

From an urban emissions perspective, GTS has further strengthened its contribution:

  • In 2023, the reduction accounted for a relatively small fraction of regional emissions.
  • In 2024, its impact equates to 42% of the total emissions of the Metropolitan City of Genoa in 2020, underscoring the company’s growing role in the fight against climate change.

In terms of sustainable mobility, the improvement is equally significant:

  • In 2023, the effect was comparable to removing 757 vehicles from the roads.
  • In 2024, the number of vehicles virtually removed from emissions has skyrocketed to 2,180,000 cars.

GTS’s Innovation for a sustainable future

Already in 2023, GTS was among the companies certified by ATMO for the use of natural refrigerants, a certification that guarantees excellence in the adoption of innovative and sustainable solutions. In 2024, the company has further consolidated its position, proving that the transition to natural refrigerants can lead to a tangible reduction in global emissions.

The use of natural hydrocarbons is confirmed as a key solution for the future, not only because it has no impact on ozone depletion and climate change but also because it is PFAS-free and compliant with the highest environmental standards.

A call to action

The findings of the ATMO 2024 Report provide concrete evidence of the positive impact of GTS’s solutions. The company continues to invest in innovation and sustainability, setting a clear path for the natural refrigeration industry.

The transition to a more sustainable world is already underway, and GTS invites companies and industry professionals to join this green revolution. Natural refrigerant-based solutions are not just the future of refrigeration—they are an effective reality today in significantly reducing the global carbon footprint.

Join us in shaping the future of sustainability with GTS SpA.